My name is vinnie, back in early 2006 I moved my blog to www.vinnie.net
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
About Me
- Name: Vincent
- Location: New York, New York, United States
I know how to use computers.
I have a fish in a large glass container that should be used for pouring kool-aid.
At work I go by Vincent, everywhere else I go by Vinnie. I like it when I walk into parties and people shout "Vinn-nay."
I would like to go back to school, but I don't know what for; I thought about Law School because I like Free software: "free" as in speech, not as in beer. Research programs seem pretty cool too.
email me @: vincent -dot- lauria a@t gmail com
Previous Posts
- Health Questions
- OMG, just simply OMG
- E-mails 'hurt IQ more than pot
- Don't get all huffy now
- Step 1 - Get a mentor
- The dark ages
- Why I love IBM
- A Picture Share!
- A Picture Share!
- A Picture Share!
- My LaunchCast
- Listen to my music station. - mobog.com
- My Photo Blog for those too lazy to read - lauria.info
- My static homepage - Free Software Foundation
- Support Freedom, please become a member - Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Defending your Freedom - Creative Commons
- Copyleft - Slashdot
- News for Nerds. Stuff That Matters - Wikipedia
- A wealth of information - Free Forum
- Create a Free Forum - Firefox
- An excellent Internet browser - time tracking
- Simple online time tracking
At 6/30/2005 2:07 PM,
todd said…
I don't want to be the time police, but where have you been. Hooray for Boobies (The BHG album with The Lap Dance is So Much Better When the Stripper is Crying) came out ages ago.
At 6/30/2005 2:11 PM,
Vincent said…
Again, it's new to me. I've heard the song before, just never listend to the choir with much attention.
There is an infinite amount of information out there, you can't expect a person to know everything that has happened in the past.
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