231 Erwin Road

My experiences as a Northern transplant down in Chapel Hill, NC, 2005. And now my experiences back up in NYC.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Some cool designs

My friend Lon sent me a link to this innovative designs blog.

Two cool things worth checking out are the:

1. NYC Floating Island from Sept. 17- 25.

2. Stools cut to the profile of your face.

Ohh, and don't forget to check out Meetro instant messaging/social networking/geography based software. It's a great idea, I don't know why it hasn't come around sooner. I had a chance to meet with the CEO, Paul, while I was in Chicago last week and he's a cool/interesting guy. So check it out!


  • At 9/14/2005 3:14 PM, Blogger Steven said…

    The Hudson Hotel has a bunch of stools that are just like the stools in the images in this post. Very cool stuff.

  • At 9/30/2005 1:12 PM, Blogger Roonie said…

    That stool thing is CRAZAY. How do you find out about this stuff?


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