Mario Cart

The EB Lab took us out for a little celebration and relaxation this afternoon. I can't remember the last time I had as much fun as the go-cart slick track at FunWerks.
The slick track is amazing. It's like playing mario cart on a muddy track. You can spin people out, do 180's and smash into the wall. If you're on a straight-way and you tap the corner of the cart in front of you, you can totally spin them out. We T-boned each other every once in a while, it was painful but fun. One time, TJ smashed right into me when I was stoped and I had the wind knocked out of me. I was hit so hard that as my head was bobbing around, my hat flew off.
I have video that I'm looking to host somewhere. In the meantime, peep the photos on flickr.
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