231 Erwin Road

My experiences as a Northern transplant down in Chapel Hill, NC, 2005. And now my experiences back up in NYC.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Genographic Project


Is Vinnie brushing his teeth???

No, he's participating in "The Genographic Project" sponsored by National Geographic and IBM. Vinnie is taking some cheek swabs with their cotton applicator to send in his DNA. While it won't provide a detailed map of Vinnie's historical ancestry, it will show his ancestry path of migration over thousands of years. There are 100,000 indigenous people as part of this project and they are asking for public volunteers as well. This is a 5 year project, and the map they will provide Vinnie in a few weeks (after analyzing his DNA) will be changing and evolving over 5 years as they find out more information.



  • At 6/05/2005 6:17 PM, Blogger Matt said…

    Did you get an ibm employee discount on that?

    (Can I get an employee discount on that?)

  • At 6/06/2005 2:51 AM, Blogger Roonie said…

    Don't you feel a little odd taking all these pictures of yourself? My friends tell me I'm vain when I use myself as a subject. I really don't think I'm all that great, I'm just the only subject available at the time. But do you feel weird about it? Especially with your mouth open. Someone may get the wrong idea. Like someone who has a dirty mind. That definitely wouldn't be me, though.

  • At 6/06/2005 3:10 AM, Blogger Roonie said…

    Vinnie, you're the featured post on my blog. You are now officially famous.

  • At 6/06/2005 7:07 AM, Blogger Vincent said…

    > Don't you feel a little odd taking all these pictures of yourself?

    No, I don't really feel odd. Most pictures I think paint me in a pretty poor light (as in the one above,) I think they are funny.

    I just like to fotoblog a lot, I tend to be on the run a lot, so I'll snap a pick of what I'm doing. I don't think its vain, just like I don't think blogging is vain.

    Sometimes I'll take a pic of myself looking weird just to see it by flipping over my phone, but don't delete it afterwards.

  • At 6/06/2005 11:24 AM, Blogger 1009 said…

    You know, some places will pay you for your your DNA. Just a thought.

  • At 6/06/2005 8:24 PM, Blogger Roonie said…

    Yes, and think about all the DNA you lose when you jerk off!

  • At 6/07/2005 2:50 PM, Blogger Roonie said…

    Yes! Hi Quesa! Kent Staters UNIIIIIITE!

  • At 6/07/2005 2:57 PM, Blogger Vincent said…

    You can buy a kit and participate here.

  • At 6/07/2005 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I thought Vinnie was brushing his teeth. Vinnie, don't trick Jess like that.

  • At 6/08/2005 2:01 AM, Blogger Roonie said…

    Vinnie, quit being so matter of fact, man.

  • At 6/08/2005 11:46 AM, Blogger Kris said…

    He is a matter of fact man.

    For instance: he doesn't believe in god because there is no religion that refers to a species of life outside of human beings. Vinnie believe in aliens and aliens aren't in the bible/koran/torah/etc. therefore Vinnie doens't believe in religion.

    Vinnie way rational, logical, non-emotive. Its crazy

  • At 6/08/2005 11:53 AM, Blogger Vincent said…

    I just couldn't belive in a God that would allow this to happen.

  • At 6/08/2005 3:14 PM, Blogger Roonie said…

    I wish I had a wiki on my website. It'd be fun to view an argument of wits between Kris and Vinnie.

  • At 6/08/2005 4:13 PM, Blogger Kris said…


    The results of a Kris and Vinnie Wiki. You helped with this.

  • At 6/08/2005 8:26 PM, Blogger Roonie said…

    This is true. Maybe I want more real-time Kris v. Vinnie, like, "Ready, set, go!" kind of thing.

    VINCENT WHATEVERYOURMIDDLENAMEISAGAIN LAURIA, why aren't you participating in the blogosphere today? What else could be more important?

  • At 6/09/2005 2:21 PM, Blogger todd said…

    nice comments on the wiki -- I've had to hold in the LOL because of the cube life. I'm really about to fall out of my seat with the "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills" every few lines. I guess this was Kris or Fayza havig a good time.
    Great Stuff.

  • At 6/09/2005 4:59 PM, Blogger Kris said…

    I have great friends. Also Im'ing comment not to put anyone in middle, just being funny. (was that this post?)


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