4th of July Weekend - The Drive Up

So I got hooked up with the premium car, except it was a Volvo. It was a nice Volvo though, it had a lot of power and a decent sound system. It ended up costing me around $50, not a bad deal. I felt a little guilty about wasting a whole car ride on just one person when I could have taken the bus, but I just don't fit in bus very well, especially ones packed full of chinese people.

I stopped at a reststop because it had those "Free Coffee" signs. Turns out it was a Boy Scout Troop. They were grillin free hot dogs, bonus.

Remember, how I was debating taking the Fungwah Bus, well here' s me approaching fast on the sucker.

Ohh snap, is he about to pass him on the outside???

Shit, there he goes, PUNCH IT, PUNCH IT baby

Ohh, what's that, is that the writing on the wall or the side of the bus??? I can't hear you, I'm blowing your ass by. All those people in your bus must be slowing you down. We can't all have Volvo's now can we.

Ohh, did I just leave you eating my dust? I'm sorry, try to keep up.

That's one happy driver as he blows past the competition. I be ghetto blastin' B-A-N-A-N-A-S,

Ohh, what's that. Is that a chinatown bus in my side mirror?

I ain't no hollaback girl!
At 7/06/2005 4:42 AM,
Roonie said…
That's one fuckin' rockin' vehiculo.
At 7/10/2005 2:33 PM,
Martin Davidsson said…
One of the best blog posts of all time.
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