Big Brother - A helpful friend or an Evil Brat
This is nothing new as London and Chicago have the same sort of surveillance capabilities. Personally, I don't think I mind, but maybe this will come back to bite me in the ass 4 years from now when I'm drunk and pissing on a subway platform.
Lockheed Martin Is Hired to Bolster Transit Security in N.Y. - New York Times
At 8/25/2005 3:33 AM,
Roonie said…
Ew. I didn't know that people besides the homeless contributed to the nasty urine stench that emanates from the disgusting NYC subway system! Yuck, Vin-naaaay!
In other news, why no coverage of the new Google Talk that was just released? I'm particularly perturbed that it's not Mac-friendly, but what Google extra *is* Mac-friendly yet? No Google Desktop, no Google Earth, and now, no Google Talk. For such techie innovators, Google really drops the ball with their software for us Mac loyalists who strive for a better computer. Oh well, stay tuned, Mac users!
And completely random, but check this - great idea or what? I randomly found it on a blog and I thought that this is just what you needed to spice up your site. You're losing your touch, Vinnie mah boy. I need some excitement in my blogosphere, damnit!
At 8/25/2005 10:26 AM,
Vincent said…
In other news, why no coverage of the new Google Talk that was just released?
Uhhh, read my prior post.
At 8/26/2005 5:11 AM,
Roonie said…
Oops. Um, I think I went blind that day. Yeah. Only way to explain that one.
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