[Posted with hblogger 2.0 http://www.normsoft.com/hblogger/]

My name is vinnie, back in early 2006 I moved my blog to www.vinnie.net
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
About Me
- Name: Vincent
- Location: New York, New York, United States
I know how to use computers.
I have a fish in a large glass container that should be used for pouring kool-aid.
At work I go by Vincent, everywhere else I go by Vinnie. I like it when I walk into parties and people shout "Vinn-nay."
I would like to go back to school, but I don't know what for; I thought about Law School because I like Free software: "free" as in speech, not as in beer. Research programs seem pretty cool too.
email me @: vincent -dot- lauria a@t gmail com
Previous Posts
- You have not partied until...
- Billboard article on Creative Commons
- I've been making tough choices lately
- A rant
- Review of Camtasia
- The Virtual World
- "When good technology goes bad" - Treo 650
- Hrmmm, Google Maps meets crime
- Crazy Treo Case
- Teaching Elephants to Blog
- My LaunchCast
- Listen to my music station. - mobog.com
- My Photo Blog for those too lazy to read - lauria.info
- My static homepage - Free Software Foundation
- Support Freedom, please become a member - Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Defending your Freedom - Creative Commons
- Copyleft - Slashdot
- News for Nerds. Stuff That Matters - Wikipedia
- A wealth of information - Free Forum
- Create a Free Forum - Firefox
- An excellent Internet browser - time tracking
- Simple online time tracking
At 5/26/2005 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you have to ask?
At 5/26/2005 6:19 PM,
eirishis said…
Can you spell Brooklyn right?
At 5/27/2005 6:44 PM,
Vincent said…
1. I was a little inebriated
2. I was typing on my Treo thumbpad
At 5/30/2005 1:00 PM,
Matt said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 5/30/2005 1:02 PM,
Matt said…
I was a little surprised that you weren't using go.blogger.com, then I realized you were using a palm type device to do this.
Some of us just have Nokia 6820s. Though I really ought to use Bluetooth & gprs to get the PowerBook online.
At 5/31/2005 1:00 PM,
Roonie said…
You are most certainly a geek. Kris used to tease me when I got on the computer while drunk. You are now BLOGGING while drunk in the back of a cab. I'm totally not as geekdafied as you.
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