I survived IBM RTP Pub Crawl 2005 and all I got was this lousy tag line.So what I do know involves the first 3 bars, I don't remember anything after that except for
Hector's at the end of the night. I'll try and recap.
Before I start though, please read this story for your amusement -
Busting Underage Girls. Written by a roommate who I will leave anonymous in order to save any of my ramblings from costing him a public office some day.
Seven PMWe'll we started the night off at
He's Not Here:

Now if that arrow doesn't explain it for you, He's Not Here is an outdoor bar down an alley off of Franklin St. Now I had called this establishment earlier in the week to see if any arrangements would need to be made, they said everything should be fine. We show up there a little after 7pm and the bar is not only empty, but it's closed as well. Standing in the alleyway watching two bums walk out of a convenience store with a brown bag beer set a lightbulb off. Why not grab a few 40's and get this party started? After all, you have to be a rock star to be hired into IBM, right? A few of us grab some
40's of Miller High Life and head back to the empty benches. We all enjoy a good hour of re-living half of my weekends in high school.
Eight PMFrom there we headed to
Top Of The Hill, which you've heard me rant about before. Not much to say other then downing a 40' put me in a mood capable of enjoying a restaurant full of people enjoying their evening dinner.
Nine PMOn to
The Library. Another bar we hit too early in the night, although they did have balloons set up for us, or was it for the wedding party that was there? They did have a foozball table though, but it was a piece of crap to be said eloquently. One of those knock off type tables that you would expect to come as a free gift with the purchase of a pair of slippers. I lost, big time, so shots were in order, a round of
Red Snapper's to start the night off with a kick. Ohh wait, didn't I do shots with Martin's gf at the last bar?
Ten PMThe Coffee Shop should have been next, but we made a last minute decision to head to Goodfella's. At this point the rest of the night becomes hearsay. I'm not admitting to anything unless you have pictures to prove it.
Eleven PMWoody's - no recollection.Twelve AMLinda's - The general recollection from the other roommates is that this place had a blue hue. At some point here, I booted. I'm not sure why, maybe I did a shot, or maybe I chugged a beer, I dunno. I just remember standing over a urinal and hearing Chris perform the same action in the stall next to me. As Doug pointed out, I'm like Rodney Dangerfield in
Back to School.
One AMA last minute move places us at
Hector's instead of Lucy's. A smart move in my book. Hector's is known for their hamburgers in pita bread. I ordered way too much food. Two rounds of pita burgers and cheese fries, I think I may have shared the cheese fries if anybody was quick enough with their hands.
So that was IBM Triangle Pub Crawl 2005. I had a great time, I think the other participants did as well. The start of the night was like Steinbeck's
Grapes of Wrath novel where a mini story is the prelude to a longer story, He's Not Here was that mini story for me. I did somehow end up losing an SD card from my phone. I don't know how, I don't know why, but it's gone. If anybody knows where it is, give me a holla. Peace out.